There are various reasons for the cause of excessive hair loss. An ill person can endure hair loss for about three (3) to four (4) months after the medical treatment or a major surgery, other patients may lose abundant amount of hair although this can also be related to stress of the illness and can just happen temporarily. Hormonal disorders can be considered and in the third month after pregnancy, women begin to lose hair for this loss is also hormone related. Certain strong medicines or drugs can cause hair loss too, this can be prohibited when one stops consuming the medicine. A fungal infection is still a factor that can trigger hair loss, this kind of infection is normally and easily treated with creams like anti fungal creams and ointments.
For any reason, a person should be concerned about hair loss. Is there a treatment for hair loss? And can my doctor help me with my condition? Well, the answer is yes! Treatments are available depending on the type of hair loss you encounter. Medical specialists encourage patients to treat hair loss conditions. There will be accurate treatments that are 100% safe for a specific kind of hair loss. Specialists assist and provide helpful information to their patients so it is really important to pay a visit to them. Other patients are recommended to use Topical treatments or solutions to be applied liberally on their scalp and sometimes integrated with the use of a low level laser therapy or laser, and in a less hassle manner, others take one drug a day for the condition like propecia (finasteride). Furthermore, “Hair Replacement” is in the broad market, well in fact dermatology clinics offer this kind of surgery. And board-certified surgeons have been successfully performing this procedure for years. Hair replacement is considered to be a re-constructive treatment and is often not compensated by a health insurance.
Hair replacement includes techniques like mini-grafts, micro-grafts, strip grafts, slit grafts, and punch grafts. These techniques are intricately done by transferring healthy hair follicles from the donor site of the head such as at the back area and the sides of the head to the problematic and bald spots of the head. This procedure utilizes mainly existing hair of the patients and is proven safe and will not bear any side effects. The patient and the surgeon should make sure that the hairs at the back and at the sides are all in good condition to develop the optimal and best results. This procedure may cost too much, after all it is a cosmetic surgery.
Find out how to prevent further hair loss by clicking HERE