There are a lot of things that can cause hair loss in women. This can cause women to become depressed. A woman’s hair is her glory. That is why women spend so much time in front of the mirror, perfecting their hair. But what causes hair loss in women? How can it be prevented or treated if women do not know what causes their hair loss.
Can styling hair be what causes hair loss in women? It most certainly can. Hairstyles that are tight and pull on the scalp, like cornrows, can cause hair loss. Even tight ponytails can do this. Also, hair straighteners and curling irons can damage the follicle and make you lose your hair as well. Styling your hair when it is wet can damage your hair and may lead to hair loss because it stretches your hair. Chemical treatments to the hair can cause you to go bald as well. This could be from chemical straightening products or even hair dye. You should make sure you carefully follow the directions for the hair products you are using or even better yet, let a professional hair stylist do your hair.

Baldness can also come from a compulsive pulling on your hair. This condition is known as Trichotillomania. It is a psychological disorder and can be resolved through seeing a therapist. Another disorder that causes hair loss is female pattern baldness, which is different from male pattern baldness. This is a disorder occurs when there is too much testosterone in a woman’s body. This can be corrected through medications. Austoimmune disorders such as alopecia areata can cause patchy hair loss that can make you go bald. It is a disorder in which your immune system attacks your hair follicles. It starts out with balding in patches but eventually takes the whole head of hair.
Hormonal imbalances can cause women to lose their hair. This can happen after giving birth, menopause or wit certain conditions, like ovarian cysts. It can even occur with birth control pills, which can change a woman’s hormones. The good news is that hair loss from hormonal imbalances will usually go away once your hormones level off. A good thing to keep in mind with this is that stress can also cause hair loss. So try not to stress out about losing your hair, as it can aggravate the problem.
With advancements in modern science we know what causes hair loss in women. Any of the above problems and others as well can make a woman lose her hair. The thing to keep in mind though is that hair loss can occur naturally as we age. A study shows that over fifty percent of women over eighty years old are balding. It is part of the aging process. However if you feel that your baldness is an issue, you should see your doctor. Your doctor can help you figure out why you are losing your hair and help you come up with a treatment plan to help solve the problem.