Earlier it was said that rain is the purest form of water but with the rise in pollution, rain water too is contaminated and can be harmful in case of over exposure. On a rainy day, hair is the worst affected. Thus, it is importance to practice hair care on a rainy day. On a rainy day the level of humidity is high and is often accompanied with strong wind. Both of which can get your hair in a bad shape. Here are few rainy day hair care tips -
1.Hair Style – It is advised to avoid complex hair styles during rains. During rains, hair tends to get frizzy, thus one should tie up her hair into a pony or in a bun. If you have cut your hair short try to fix it up with pins. This will help keep your hair from being frizzy and thus prevent hair breakage.
2.Hair wash – Rainy day hair care demands you to wash your hair everyday. During rains, humidity is high which tends to make your hair oily and thus result in hair loss. If your hair is dry then it tends to absorb the humidity in the atmosphere and thus get damp. So, it is important to maintain the moisture of your hair. You can do it by wash your hair regularly with mild shampoo and using conditioner. Shampoo cleans your hair of all the excess oil and conditioner retains the moisture. The best natural conditioner is yoghurt and mayonnaise.

3.Head Massage – For hair care in on a rainy day, one needs to go for a head massage. Rainy day tends to make your hair oily and erupt dandruff. During rains hair loss are also on a rise. Head massage. Massage your scalp with an essential oil to improve blood circulation, which strengthens the hair and prevents hair loss. Make sure you do not keep the oil s it attracts dirt and dust. Essential oils specially for rainy season includes, almond oil, Jojoba, Basil, Lavender and Rosemary.
4.Hair Styling Products – Avoid using hair styling products on a rainy day. The chemical may react to the humidity in the air. The reactions can erupt serious infections which may lead to hair loss.
5.Dandruff Prevention – To prevent dandruff on a rainy day, after bath warp your hair with a hot towel. But make sure that before leaving the house without drying the hair. Going out with damp hair will increase the chance of dandruff.
The beautiful rains unfortunately has harsh effect on our hair thus rainy day hair care is important. Follow these five tips to help your hair survive the rains.