Hair LossFictitious popular conceptions that determine possible causes of baldness may have some underlying truth behind, nevertheless remain myths due to lack of scientific validation.

• Wearing Hats Can Cause Hair Loss
Prolonged use of hats especially during hot and humid climate can contribute to the excretion and accumulation of sebum on your hair. Sebum is a waxy substance that is secreted by the sebaceous glands of your skin. Overtime, sebum can react with cholesterol to create a hardened sebum plug that cuts off oxygen circulation to the hair follicles and cause it to fall out.
While this may be a myth, hats do cause hair breakage and, to a lesser degree, split ends. Since hats are not washed as frequently as other clothing, they can also lead to scalp uncleanliness and possible Pityrosporum ovale contamination in men with naturally oily scalps. Some scalp infections, if left untreated, can cause hair loss.leimo hair loss

• Hair Loss is Inherited From the Mother’s SideMajority of hair loss in both men and women is hereditary and can be inherited from either the mother’s or father’s side.

• “Bald men are more sexually active than others”
Levels of free testosterone are strongly linked to libido and also DHT levels, but unless free testosterone is virtually non-existent, levels have not been shown to affect virility. Men with androgenic alopecia are more likely to have a higher baseline of free androgens. However, sexual activity is multifactorial, and androgenic profile is also not the only determining factor in baldness.

• DHT is The Only Culprit in Hair Loss
While it is true that overproduction of the male hormone or androgen called DHT is an important cause of hair loss in men and women, it is not the only cause.
DHT is a natural form of testosterone produced by an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. Binding of this metabolite to its receptors in the hair follicle is thought to lead to hair loss. Many chemical drugs and natural supplements either inhibit the production of DHT or prevent it from binding to its follicular receptors.
DHT, however, is required for normal sexual functions. Indiscriminate inhibition of this metabolite has led to sexual performance problems, such as impotence or erectile dysfunction.
In addition to preventing the overproduction of DHT, your hair loss treatment regimen should also include providing nutrients and vitamins to strengthen existing hair, prevent hair fall out due to damage, and promote new hair growth. Improving blood circulation via photobiostimulation to the follicles using Leimo Personal Hair Laser can also be used to treat hair loss.

• Blow Drying and Frequent Washing Causes Hair Loss
Unless they are done excessively, blow drying and washing your hair frequently will not cause hair loss. However, heat damaged hair is often brittle and prone to shedding. Too much heat can also permanently damage hair follicles, leading to hair loss. Similarly, physical damage to hair due to aggressive shampooing or toweling can lead to a hair loss condition called traction alopecia.

• Losing 100 Strands of Hair per Day is Normal
Your hair grows and falls out according to its normal growth cycle. In this cycle, a hair follicle would grow for about four to five years. In its fifth year, the follicle would stop growing and enter its rest cycle. By the beginning of the sixth year, the hair strand would fall out and the growth cycle starts again.
The average number of follicles in your scalp is between 100,000 to 150,000, 90% of which is in the growth cycle at any given time. It has been said that we shed about 100 strands of hair per day – however, this number has turned out to be a gross overestimate. Although the exact number of hair shed varies from person to person, new studies have indicated that only about 20 to 50 strands are shed normally in a day.
Thus, losing 100 hair strands per day may be indicative of early stages of hair loss.

• There is Nothing You Can Do to Prevent or Treat Hair Loss
In the past, this was true – there was nothing they could do about hair loss. But now, with advances in the science of trichology about the nutritional needs of hair, men and women no longer have to live with hair loss.
A breakthrough in hair care, Leimo Personal Hair Laser is the first cordless laser phototherapy device specifically designed for hair regrowth using Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) and Light Emitting Diode Therapy (LEDT). Equipped with precision components, it is designed for the general public to use at home. It is the next generation in hair and scalp restoration with no medication, no drugs and no reported side effects.

Empirical data revealed that both men and women of all ages are satisfied with its positive benefits.
There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about hair loss. Recognizing them and the truth behind can help you make an informed decision in treating hair loss.

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