If you are anything like a lot of men with thinning hair, then it probably feels like you’ve tried every hair loss medication in the world. If you are still looking, it is most likely because nothing you’ve tried so far has actually worked. Sometimes, these medications cause side effects that are too problematic to ignore; other times, there is no noticeable benefit in taking a particular medication, and you end up throwing it out. Frustrating, isn’t it? One of the biggest problems with a lot of products today is that they are geared for use by both men and women—and a man, your problem is probably androgenic alopecia.

Natural Treatments and Androgenic Alopecia

You are most likely more familiar with the common term for androgenic alopecia—male pattern baldness. This is the most common type of hair loss in men, by far. Yet so many kinds of medication completely disregard the science behind what causes male pattern baldness, hoping to cash in on and appeal to as many customers as possible. Today’s natural products are the few kinds of medication available that are specifically designed to deal with the underlying causes of male pattern baldness.

Nip Thinning Hair in the Bud

Now this is a very important part of this topic. DHT blockers are an exciting type of hair loss medication that works in two very distinct ways. Their oral supplements work to block the hormone known as DHT—or dihydrotestosterone—preventing it from being produced in the first place. Some DHT blockers also contain a topical serum to gently massage into the scalp to help create a fertile environment for fresh, new hair to regrow. Men who have tried virtually every medication under the sun swear by DHT blockers because they actually work—and keep on working. Since they’re all natural, they can be safely used every single day.

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